Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Love Our Lurkers Day.

Bonnie over at My Bottom Smarts is today hosting the third Love Our Lurkers Day and has asked us to encourage anyone that lurks around here to delurk and say hello!

Last year 83 spanking - orientated blogs posted Love Our Lurkers messages and they received 1444 comments, but it is not the quantity of comments that is important, it is the meeting of new friends, readers, and like-minded spirits.

This year I am one of 135 bloggers that have been asked to participate and my hope is that in doing so some or even just one of my readers will peek out, so.... introduce yourself, ask a question, share a story, or just say a simple hello... whatever you feel inspired to do.

I can understand your lurking, I lurked for a long time before I started this blog and it feels kind of safe being there I think, but I'd love to get to know my readers a little more, and I'd love for them to experience being a part of this community more.  I wouldn't flatter myself that I even have any readers or lurkers except my profile on blogger has been viewed nearly 4000 times since April.

So who are you?
You intrigue me!
I'm interested in you!
Delurk and come out and play ;-)